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Release Notes

The latest release information for the Active Directory module.

1.  Release History

December 26 , 2014

Sitecore Active Directory v1.2 is released.

Tested with Sitecore CMS 7.2 rev. 141124 (Update-3), Sitecore CMS 7.5 rev. 141217 and Sitecore XP 8.0 rev. 141212.

This version of the module only runs on Sitecore 7.2 or later.

Change log.

Issues resolved:

2.  Known issues

The list of known issues which are present in the current version of the Active Directory module.

  1. When the AD server name starts with “dc” or “DC” in the AD connection string, as in:
    <add name="ManagersConnString" connectionString="LDAP://dctest/DC=company,DC=net "/>
    the AD module writes errors to the log file:
    1320 12:18:00 WARN AD: reconnected
    1320 12:18:00 WARN AD : attempt reconnecting...
    Use the server IP instead of the server name in the AD connection string:
    <add name="ManagersConnString" connectionString="LDAP://[IP]/DC=company,DC=net "/>
    [IP] is the IP of the AD server, e.g.
    The AD connection string is placed in the App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config file.
  2. The AD module does not support the SSL protocol.
  3. ActiveDirectoryMembershipUser doesn't support LastLoginDate and LastActivityDate and there are no default properties in AD.